
Neat Neighborhoods

The amount of litter around Springfield is a big struggle, and while Clean Green Springfield has certainly been impactful, Hatch wondered if something more could be done. After learning about “Tidy Towns” in Ireland, they were inspired and contacted the City of Springfield to see if there may be a potential partnership to create our own version of this in our community.

Project Details

We were inspired to use some friendly competition to help beautify our neighborhoods.

The City of Springfield officially announced a new component of Clean Green Springfield, “Neat Neighborhoods,” which launched on April 1, 2024. The competition will last for two months and will be divided up between the four City council zones. Registered neighborhoods within each zone will compete against one another, fostering a sense of friendly competition and camaraderie. The competition will award one neighborhood in each zone as a winner with a total of four winning neighborhoods each year. This hands-on approach not only gets the community involved but also lets us take a personalized look at the special projects each neighborhood is diving into. The competition is divided into five categories, each contributing to a total possible score, with the score reflecting the collective efforts and achievements of participating neighborhoods. The categories cover a broad-spectrum including community planning, public spaces, green spaces, streets, tidiness and more. The Hatch Foundation is donating $10,000 to each of the four winning neighborhoods. First-place winning neighborhoods in each zone will win $6,000, with second place winning $3,000 and third place winning $1,000. The funds can be used toward neighborhood beautification. The goal is to leave a lasting impression through tidying up your neighborhood, and being proud of where you live.

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